Deployment Apps
Our clients have multiple options for deploying their experiences. Our multiple apps allow for online and offline, indoor and outdoor, as well as guided and self-guided tours.

Different Deployment Apps


WalkAR is our preferred deployment solution. This hybrid group touring app combines AR technology and live commentary. Tour guides control a fleet of smartglasses through a cellphone or tablet, enabling them to enhance their presentations with visuals and audio of their choosing. This option allows guides great flexibility to present AR magic at the most impactful moments of their tour.



TourViewer is our tour deployment app for both offline and online use. It allows clients to launch complex experiences containing 3D models, 360-degree videos, holograms, vivid animations, and games. It can be installed on iOS and Android devices, including headsets, phones, and tablets. This is the perfect solution for sites with connectivity challenges as everything is stored locally on the devices. Tours can be easily and quickly updated through our cloud.



WebApp is our no-download, browser-based experience deployment app. By scanning a QR code, users can access AR experiences directly through their phone’s internet browser.


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